Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Return of Vincent Daemon

   The FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction heralds the return of Vincent Daemon beginning tomorrow, Friday September 26, 2014, with the exclusive four-part serialization of his Vietnam horror story Of Cadence and Weathered Statues.  

   This will be the fourth and final story featured in our SEPT, 2014 ISSUE.  Three stories are already up and archived permanently for your free reading pleasure:  Keith Graham's RepFix, Gene Stewart's Cryptid's Lair, and Edward Morris's Mercy Street.  Vincent Daemon's Of Cadence and Weathered Statues completes this latest issue.  

   Part I goes up tomorrow and the tale continues daily until its conclusion on Monday, Sept 29.  On Tuesday, September 30 all four stories will be bundled together in the official SEPT, 2014 ISSUE postingalong with the usual editorial comments and Thank You'sand of course will remain archived for posterity on the world wide web free of charge to subscribers or anyone who happens to stumble upon our website.  

   So be sure to tell your friends and fellow readers and writers to Subscribe by email or otherwise Follow the FREEZINE if they haven't gotten on-board already.  The FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction is an online creative writing venture flying low on the radar of this over-commercialized world. If you are an aspiring writer or artist and would like to see your story or artwork in a future issue, be sure to submit your material to
and an editor will get back to you in due time. All rights reserved by the artists and writers. Thank you for reading and supporting local underground writing and art. 

The Bloodhost Awaken

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